Our Mission
The Competition Law Committee’s mission is to support the open and collegial discussion of competition law developments particularly as they relate to Asian jurisdictions and to encourage networking within the competition law bar. The CLC aims to support the growth of IPBA membership by developing annual programming that continues to draw competition law practitioners to the IPBA annual conferences.
Our Committee
IPBA's Competition Law Committee provides a platform for the exchange of information regarding competition laws in jurisdictions on the Pacific Rim. Those jurisdictions include very old established antitrust regimes, such as those of the United States and Canada, well developed competition laws in the Asia-Pacific Region, such as those of Japan, Australia, South Korea and Taiwan, and important new laws, such as those of China, India, Hong Kong, and several ASEAN countries.
Join The Committee: The Committee has grown quickly during recent years, a reflection of the recent adoption of competition laws and increased enforcement of existing laws throughout the Asia-Pacific region. We welcome new members who are willing to contribute their time and talent to improve our programs, publications and other activities. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the Committee's activities, please contact the Chair or any of the Vice-Chairs.